Prepare for Spring Cleaning! Learn how to clean games

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Prepare for Spring Cleaning! Learn how to clean games.

It’s time to spring into action! Are you ready to do some Spring Cleaning? Don’t forget your toys and games this year.

Why should you clean your games?

It’s nice to have your games look like they are brand new. Shining your toys up from time to time will keep them looking nice! A quick wash can also be used to see if a game is complete. It may even extend the life of wooden games. You may want to wash them occasionally for hygienic purposes. You would disinfect games that someone in your family handles if they have a cold to prevent bacteria spreading.

How often should I clean my plastic games?

How often you wash your games depends on their usage. If your games are used frequently, you can rinse them more often. It is important to disinfect games if you or your child has a cold. This will kill any germs that may be present. If you use a plastic element in a game on a regular basis, it is recommended that you clean them every week. Toys that are meant for babies and toddlers need to be cleaned more often (since they tend to put them in their mouths). If the toy gets used daily, it can be cleaned once every two weeks. It is not necessary to disinfect toys (unless a child is sick).

How do you clean wooden or cardboard toys?

Wood is anti-bacterial. You should clean wood only if food has been spilled on it, or if sticky hands have touched it. To remove the most stubborn stains, try cleaning it with a towel that is dry. You can also use baby wipes, or even a damp cloth to clean the wooden or cardboard games. Do not use too much or any water. SmartGames made of wood include Bunny Boo. Camelot Jr. Day & night. and Castle Logics.

How do you clean plastic SmartGames?

Take some baby wipes or Lysol to clean the hard plastic SmartGames components. You can also use a paper towel or clean cloth and soak it in soapy saline water. Castile soap, liquid hand soap, or any other soap that is suitable will do. Make sure the cloth is not wet but only damp. The cloth can be used to wipe off plastic parts. After you’ve finished, use a new cloth and rinse it under water. Then, wipe the game with the cloth that has been well-wrung to remove any soap. Let the toys air-dry before putting away. Do not put your SmartGames into the dishwasher. You can also clean SmartGames like IQs or Little Red Riding Hood.

Inspired? Get your elbow grease on!

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